• Visite guidée de l'exposition temporaire

  • Visite guidée de l'exposition temporaire
  • Visite guidée de l'exposition temporaire
  • Visite guidée de l'exposition temporaire
  • Visite guidée de l'exposition temporaire

The "Costumes to read the world" exhibition compares rural and urban costumes, following a chronological trail from the end of the 18th century to the 20th century. Women's, men's and children's costumes are presented, usually in the space, on mannequins, and on other elements, mainly wall-mounted, such as shawls, aprons, hats, cages of crinolines, etc.

Dates and times

From 14/10/2022 to 22/09/2024, every Saturday at 3 pm.

Prices & payment methods

- Full price5 €
- Reduced price2,50 €